Welcome to FoodBev Media’s Terms and Conditions of Use. This is important and affects your legal rights, so please read the terms referenced in this document and our privacy policy carefully. Please click below to quick-view individual product terms and conditions.

I. Awards terms and conditions
II. Magazines terms and conditions
III. Newsletters terms and conditions
IV. Reports terms and conditions
V. Advertising terms and conditions

I. Awards terms and conditions 

FoodBev Media does not accept provisional entry orders. All bookings must be made using an official FoodBev awards page.

Receipt of bookings will be confirmed via email by FoodBev Media upon your order. If you don’t receive this within 48 hours, please contact FoodBev Awards on +44 (0)1225 327867 or email awards@foodbev.com

It is your responsibility to ensure accurate information is provided at the time of entry.

FoodBev Media reserves the right to alter the programme, venue or speakers without prior notification.

FoodBev Media will not be liable for reimbursing travelling, accommodation or any other expenses incurred by attendees who fail to attend an event for any reason.

By registering an entry, you confirm that you are 16 years or older.

Awards package
As part of your entrant package, you will receive a complementary one-year digital subscription to FoodBev and Refreshment magazines, and an industry-specific newsletter. You can unsubscribe from these at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link contained at the bottom of emails.

Payment terms
Unless agreed otherwise in writing with FoodBev Media, all award entries must be paid by the deadline specified on the relevant award scheme’s web pages in order to be accepted. Failure to pay by the deadline will result in entries being withdrawn from the judging process, but invoices generated by the entire entry process will remain payable if the published cancellation procedure has not been followed.
We accept payment by debit or credit card, or we can issue an invoice on request. Invoices must be paid within 20 days of the invoice date or by the closing deadline, whichever date is sooner.
All disputed items on an invoice must be raised in writing within 24 hours of receipt.
A late payment charge of £100 and interest accruing on a daily basis at the rate of 5 percent above the base rate for the time being of NatWest Bank will be charged on overdue invoices.

Cancellations and transfer terms
All cancellations need to be received in writing within 7 days of your entry or by 17:00 (GMT) on the entry deadline day, whichever is sooner.

Cancellations after this date cannot be accepted, therefore refunds cannot be issued and outstanding invoices will remain payable.

If an invoice remains unpaid on the deadline day, related entries will not be included in the judging process. The invoice remains payable if the cancellation criteria above have not been met.

Filming and photography
We may, at our discretion, choose to photograph, film, broadcast or record awards ceremonies. You grant us an irrevocable licence to use and sub-licence the use of your name, voice, likeness, image and any contribution made by you at or to the event in any and all media (whether now known or hereinafter invented) as part of FoodBev Media marketing communications.

The views expressed by any speakers at an event are their own. We shall not be liable for the views, acts or omissions of any such speaker or any other attendee at the event. Any information given or distributed as part of the awards ceremonies shall not constitute advice and should not be relied upon.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by English law.
The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions (including any non-contractual terms).

However, if you are a consumer and are a resident of Northern Ireland, you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, or if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.

II. Magazines terms and conditions

FoodBev Media’s magazines include content which may be funded by outside parties. Magazines may also display information about FoodBev Media’s news and other products, services or events (such as FoodBev Magazine or FoodBev Awards), chosen charities or online advertisements. FoodBev reserves the right to make changes to magazine publications, which will be communicated accordingly.
By subscribing, you confirm that you are 16 years or older.
Unless you wish to terminate it, your subscription will resume until it expires or we terminate it. To unsubscribe, please email privacy@foodbev.com with the subject line “UNSUBSCRIBE” or follow the ‘unsubscribe’ link, contained at the bottom of all FoodBev Media emails.

We will process all unsubscribe requests without undue delay.

Payment terms
We accept payment by debit or credit card, or we can issue an invoice on request for renewals. Unless agreed otherwise in writing with FoodBev Media, all subscription orders must be paid on receipt of invoice.
All disputed items on an invoice must be raised in writing within 24 hours of receipt.

Cancellations and transfer terms
It’s okay to change your mind. If you are not 100% satisfied with your subscription, you can cancel it and receive a full refund for the period you have not used – or exchange the subscription for another one. You can cancel up to 10 days from the date you purchased the subscription.

III. Newsletters terms and conditions 

FoodBev Media’s newsletters include content from FoodBev.com website, which may be funded by outside parties. Newsletters may also display information about FoodBev Media’s news and other products, services or events (such as FoodBev Magazine or FoodBev Awards), chosen charities or online advertisements.
By subscribing, you confirm that you are 16 years or older.

Unless you wish to terminate it, your free subscription will resume. To unsubscribe, please email privacy@foodbev.com with the subject line “UNSUBSCRIBE” or follow the ‘unsubscribe’ link, contained at the bottom of all FoodBev Media emails.

We will process all unsubscribe requests without undue delay.

IV. Reports terms and conditions

Requests for further information and access to documents hosted on this site are available to all users at no cost. To provide you with this free service FoodBev Media Ltd shares your information with companies that have provided content on this site. When you request further information or access a document from this site, your information may be passed on to the owners of that information or document (third parties). By filling in this web form you signify your consent to this and to receiving communications from the third parties by post, phone, email or SMS.


V. Advertising terms and conditions

All orders for insertion of Advertisements in FoodBev Media Ltd publications or online at www.foodbev.com in all formats and media are accepted subject to the conditions appearing below. If any of these conditions is unclear or if the Buyer has any query or wishes to discuss any variation of these conditions to take account of particular circumstances, the Buyer is advised to seek clarification from the advertising manager of the relevant publication. By ordering, you confirm that you are 16 years or older.

Advertisers may provide white paper and other reports for FoodBev Media to display on our website. FoodBev Media will share user details of those who have signed-up for the report with the Advertiser. It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to ensure appropriate security on receipt of this data. 

1.1 In placing an Advertisement order, the Buyer offers to contract with the Company as principal even where the Buyer is not the Advertiser. Where copy or other instructions not constituting an official order are issued, they must be clearly marked at the head “Copy Instructions – Not an Order”.

Buyer’s Warranties and Indemnity
2.1 The Buyer warrants to the Company that: 
(1) The Advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament, including in the case of any investment advertisement the Finance Services Act (1996), law of the European Union, rule of statutorily recognised regulatory authority or any other legislation; 
(2) The reproduction and/or publication in whatever format and/or medium by the Company of the Advertisement, whether or not amended in accordance with Condition 3.4, will not in any way infringe any other party’s personal or proprietary rights or breach any contract or otherwise expose the Company to the risk of any proceedings whatsoever; 
(3) The Advertisement is legal, decent, honest and truthful and does not infringe the British Code of Advertising Practice or any other relevant Advertising Standards Authority Code; 
(4) Where it is acting as an advertising agency or media buyer, the Buyer is authorised by the Advertiser to place the Advertisement; and 
(5) Where the Advertisement concerns mail order goods, the Advertiser will comply with all requirements of the Mail Order Protection Scheme.
2.2 The Buyer agrees to indemnify FoodBev Media Ltd against any and all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, damages and costs including legal costs on a full indemnity basis and any other liability arising directly or indirectly from breach by the Buyer whether under these conditions or implied by law, including without limitation the Buyer’s failure to notify the Company of any error in a published Advertisement.

Supply of Proofs/ Corrections
3.1 The Company does not undertake to provide the Buyer with proofs of an Advertisement prior to publication. 
3.2 The Company cannot be held responsible for alterations or corrections to proofs if returned after the specified latest date or not confirmed in writing. 
3.3 The Company does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of reproduction of copy not given to the Company in writing. 
3.4 The Company may without prejudice to the Buyer’s warranties require copy in respect of any Advertisement to be amended or altered to the extent the Company deems necessary for the Advertisement to confirm with both those warranties and any technical specifications set out in the rate card.
Artwork etc.
4.1 Artwork and/or photographic materials submitted by the Buyer are submitted to and used by the Company entirely at the risk of the person by whom or on whose behalf they are submitted. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Company reserves the right to return at the Buyer’s expense or dispose of such artwork and/or materials if not collected within six months of their receipt by the Company. 
4.2 The Buyer acknowledges that the copyright in all artwork and/or materials contributed by the Company in connection with an Advertisement is solely vested in the Company.

5.1 Special positions will be given only if agreed in writing by the Company and at an additional charge for a maximum 12 month period. Agreement will be specific to an identified Advertiser. No other Advertiser may take the position without the prior written consent of the Company. 

Late copy and/or proofs 
6.1 If, following acceptance of an order for space, the Buyer’s copy instructions and/or proofs are not received by the specified copy date, the Company reserves the right to print the relevant Advertisement from the Advertiser and the right not to publish the relevant Advertisement, without prejudice to the Company’s right to be paid for such space. 

Cancellations etc. 
7.1 The Company reserves the right without prior notice to the Buyer: 
(1) to refuse or cancel any Advertisement without giving any reason 
(2) to make corrections or alterations it considers necessary or desirable in an advertisement, whether to conform it to the style and subject matter of the publication or otherwise; and 
(3) to alter, cancel or postpone publication date(s). In such cases the Company will return any money paid by the Buyer in respect of an Advertisement which does not appear. In the case of an order for a series of Advertisements, the Buyer will not be liable for the difference between the rate agreed for the entire series specified in the order and the usual rate for the number of Advertisements which appeared when the cancellation occurs. 
7.2 At the time advertising space is ordered by the Buyer, if the Buyer is an advertising agency or media buyer and does not disclose: 
(1) the name of its Advertiser client; and/or 
(2) the goods and/or services which are to be the subject of the Advertisement(s) the Buyer proposes for such space; the Company may at any time refuse to accept and/or to publish, or suspend, the Advertisement(s) the Buyer proposes for such space, and in such circumstances neither the Buyer nor the Advertiser shall have any claim against the Company in respect of such refusal or suspension, and if the space is not filled by the Company, the Buyer shall be responsible for any loss suffered by the Company. 
7.3 Cancellation and transfer fees can only be accepted if requested by the Advertiser in writing. If the request is received by the Company up to one week prior to copy deadline, 75% of the agreed fee rate will be charged; thereafter 100% fee will be charged. 
7.4 If the Buyer cancels the balance of an order, the Buyer relinquishes any right to the series discount previously agreed and must pay for the relevant Advertisements at the appropriate rate set out in the rate card for the number of Advertisements which have appeared when the cancellation takes effect. 

8.1 The Buyer shall notify the Company in writing of any error in a published Advertisement as soon as practicable and whenever practicable prior to the copy date for any subsequent insertion of the same Advertisement and in any event within 14 days of the first publication. 
8.2 Without prejudice to Conditions 2 and 3 above, the Company acknowledges its responsibilities for errors in published Advertisements where such errors are not attributable to the act or omissions of the Buyer, provided always that the Company’s liability for any error shall be limited to the refund of its charge for the relevant Advertisement or, at the Company’s discretion, the free repeat publication of the relevant Advertisement or an appropriate corrective Advertisement. 
Rates and payment
Unless the Company agrees otherwise in writing:
9.1 The price for any Advertisement including any Advertisement published as part of a series will be the rate card price prevailing at the date of publication. 
9.2 The Buyer will be billed on receipt of order confirmation. Payment of the invoice is due within 20 days of invoice date and no later than the first copy deadline detailed on the booking confirmation. All invoice queries must be raised in writing to accounts@foodbev.com within 5 days of receiving the invoice. The existence of a query shall not affect the due date of payment. The Buyer acknowledges the cost to the Company of late payment of its invoices and accordingly agrees to pay in respect of any payment not made by the due date the aggregate of:
(1) an administration fee of £100 and 
(2) interest accruing on a daily basis on the amount unpaid at the rate of 5 per cent above the base rate for the time being of NatWest Bank from the due date for payment, both after as well as before any judgement or order. 
9.3 The Buyer acknowledges that late or non-payment may risk publication of the advertising copy (print or online) but does not release the Buyer from any financial obligation. 
9.4 The Company reserves the right to charge the Buyer for the cost of the Company’s or its printer’s extra production work arising from any exceptional production requirements or any acts or defaults of the Buyer. 

The Company’s Rights in Advertising Copy 
FoodBev Media Ltd shall (without prejudice to the Buyer’s warranties and indemnity in Condition 2) have a perpetual royalty-free licence to reproduce the Advertisement in any format and in any medium whatsoever and wheresoever. 

11.1 These Conditions (which shall be deemed to incorporate the conditions contained in the relevant rate card) and all other express terms of the contract between the Buyer and the Company shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and the Buyer submits to the jurisdiction of the English Courts. 
11.2 In these Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) The following terms shall have the following respective meanings:- “Advertiser” shall mean the person advertising products or services or making an announcement in the Advertisement. “Advertisement” shall include any loose or insert advertisement, any advertisement attached to or distributed with the relevant publication, information supplied in connection with an advertisement, and advertisements in any form, including without limitation computer or electronic readable form. The “Buyer” shall mean the person placing an order for an Advertisement, whether or not that person is the Advertiser. The “Company” shall mean FoodBev Media Ltd which publishes the issue of the publication in or with which the Advertisement is to appear or be distributed. “Rate card” means the Company’s current rate card in respect of the relevant publication including without limitation, advertising rates and additional conditions concerning copy and cancellation dates, technical and stylistics specifications and any related information. 
(2) Reference to an act or omission of the Buyer shall include any act or omission of any relevant employee or agent of the Buyer; 
(3) Reference to any gender shall include reference to the plural (and vice versa); and (
(1) 4) Reference to any Act of Parliament or Code of Practice shall be deemed to include reference to such Act or Code as amended, updated, re-enacted or replaced from time to time. 
11.3 FoodBev Media Ltd acts as agent for the Company in all matters relating to the invoicing and collection of receivables.

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